
Couples Counseling

Whether a relationship has been long established, or has been newly formed, therapy is a great avenue for communication and skill building.


Individual Counseling

Working individually provides an open and safe environment to explore different ways of managing stress, problem solving, and finding support.


Online Counseling

Online therapy is an accessible way to begin or even continue treatment when you’re away from home. Skype, Zoom, and Facetime are used to reach one another from around the world at no additional cost.

Specialties provided by Carlos Cardenas


Qualified Supervision

Therapists both new and established often collaborate with one another to provide support and guidance. We provide qualified supervision towards LMFT licensure, treatment review and support, or business development. Interns can meet the requirements for licensure via weekly supervision.


Family Counseling

Family counseling allows for many different methods to assist the family in reaching its goals. Addressing behavioral concerns, providing a different way to assist children and teens to express themselves, and finding new parenting strategies are often explored in family counseling.